Glasgow Airport Millennium


A The information provided by Glasgow Airport Millennium Taxis in this website mainly including the Scottish Links section is "as is", with no warranty or representation of any kind.
B Glasgow Airport Millennium Taxis will not be liable for any loss or damage, whether direct, indirect, special or consequential, arising from use of this web-site.
C Provision of information does NOT constitute any endorsement by Glasgow Airport Millennium Taxis. Remember that not all sources of information on the internet are accurate, current, complete or legal and should not be treated as such.
D Users MUST NOT use information from Glasgow Airport Millennium Taxis for chain letters, 'spamming', harassing or vulgar e-mail, or for any other disreputable reason.
E Glasgow Airport Millennium Taxis will, where possible, ensure that the content of this site is in no way offensive, however, be aware that it may include hyperlinks to sites on the World Wide Web or Internet that are neither controlled or sponsored by Glasgow Airport Millennium Taxis. Should any links be found to be offensive, please contact Francis by e-mail and they will be investigated.
F Glasgow Airport Millennium Taxis is not accountable for any damages a user suffers. This includes loss of data resulting from delays or service interruptions caused by the telephone network or by the users errors or omissions. Use of any information obtained via the Internet is at the owners own risk.
G Glasgow Airport Millennium Taxis will not use personal information sent to them via booking form, Add link form or by e-mail for anything other than the nature that it was intended.
H Glasgow Airport Millennium Taxis has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that information included in this web-site is accurate at the time of inclusion. Glasgow Airport Millennium Taxis accepts no liability for any inaccuracies or omissions in this site.
I Provisions of links from this site are not endorsements. Glasgow Airport Millennium Taxis does not grade any accommodations or services. This site is purely to inform users of what is available. Users contract with clients at their own risk.
J Glasgow Airport Millennium Taxis is not liable for any actions taken by persons using information on this site.
K Any logos used in Glasgow Airport Millennium Taxis website belong to the respective owners and have been reproduced where permission has been granted by the owner.

Glasgow Airport Millennium Taxis 

Francis Quinn

Mobile      :    07703 262 470

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Links Liability
We will endeavour to update our Links page
whenever we receive important, relevant information.
If you come across a dead link would you please contact Francis by Francis,
 so that the dead link can be investigated.

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